
FEC Property Manager Representative


 Common & Alternate Energy Rehab Management Specialists

with LLC, Corporation or Joint Venture 


Real & Personal Replacement Property

for Exchange or Direct Acquisition


Free Consultation Appointment


Tax Efficiency Services

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Vision: Assist owner to maintain and improve valuation of assets with proper tax control.

Mission: Use industry specific professional tax advisors to relieve owner tax burden

coordinating with owner's financial and estate plan goals using deductible income property .

What we do

A Mergers and Acquisitions (M&A) background and experience in agriculture and energy allow FEC

and Ken Wheeler Jr. to be familiar with some tax advantages many tax professionals may not encounter.

We consistently valuate the most attractive and advantaged real estate income properties for your approval.

Properties currently available - several properties presently for acquisition or joint venture

​Small to Larger properties available - Off-market and private property inventory varies - other states available


FEC offers managed ownership with significant proven income plus maximum deductions!

 For additional advantages for ownership verses producing land or commercial property plus significant tax potential savings go to advantaged.


Diversified Family Asset Estate Planning  -  Eliminate Hassles - Management & Tax Work - Keep Best Assets - Exchange to Better Asset



Reduce Debt while Maintaining Income Goals

Significant benefits for FEC income Rehab-rework-redevelopment properties

Rehabilitated - reworked - updated - redeveloped & modernized for efficient income & accelerated gain properties

1031FEC model strong points reduce owner risk and management.

Comprehensive management with active participation tax advantages §469

       Properties can have CPA and/or Operator experienced management in place

Improvement production income goal 15%-25% simple annual increase = Asset appreciation

Three to four year exit goal (less for advanced projects) for projects; receive asset appreciation profit; can sell-replace as wish or be a long term hold asset.

$100K minimum field real estate rehab projects can be available; please inquire.

$250k minimum - Income Rehab & Hold Project $780 - Ask for more detail for rehab project goals

$500k minimum - Current field rehab project $6M; Hold for three-four years then divest; Close to sold out

We generally will have less than 10 qualified and familiar owners vested in one real estate field project

Other field projects to $50M+ with significant ownership required for most properties

Consistent production harvest flow current on going production 24/7 365 days a year

Income projects with 15%+ depletion allowance or potential principal reduction tax advantage

Pay No Tax - most significant tax deduction (100%, 90% first year) in USA- most all income classes;

Your tax advisor, CPA to confirm your individual tax status;  Invite your CPA.  CPA inquiries invited. 

Financial & Production Reports;  Monthly income, production and rehab report

Individual Retirement Account (IRA)/Roth IRA and Family Office qualified - Increase Family wealth

Shorter term ownership (three year goal) - integrate Estate & Financial Plans

Increase returns - reduce current and future income taxes while in rehab-redevelopment hold-ownership

Tax deferral - defer or eliminate capital gain and recapture of depreciation tax; See example at 1LessTax-Page3

Comprehensive management with active participation tax advantages §469. Working interest and passive investment:   If one owns a working interest in any oil or gas property, either directly or through an entity that doesn't limit the taxpayer's liability with respect to the interest, it is non-passive activity, regardless of the taxpayer's participation.

Internal Revenue Service Code (IRC) §1031, §1033, §179§453M, §469 qualified

Pay No Tax - can replace a 1031exchange without IRS time limit, debt or $ limits; gain-recapture significance

Pay No Tax - can roll replacement gain into a 1031 exchange or replace with new rehab-rework project

Can be effective for substantial deduction for ordinary or any type income.

Real Estate owner and CPA determine entity advantage, LLC, joint venture (JV) or other.

Please NOTE: Time is of essence: Any Project can close anytime with maximum participants, members and/or joint venture associates. Recommend these field projects have owner CPA/tax advisor.

Go To Page PM2         General 1Lesstax 14 Options         Energy Rehab & Other RE Types        Sale-Lease Back         


Why FEC ?

1031FEC is experienced with years in diversified property income production. FEC offers absolute comprehensive managers for

real estate owners desiring significant income and tax advantages while maintaining a more passive management role because of

other business commitments, retirement goals or asset diversification. 

FEC is a property managers division of Financial Exchange Coterie

Inquire about Sale - Leaseback, Exchanges and §179 with Bonus Tax Advantage for §1245 inherent properties

For Current or Future Projects Contact us

Stop Beneficiary Conflict  www.LegacyChange.com for Economical - Simple Estate Plan

Go here To Page For More Detail, Internet Informational Meetings, Dates & Times or Free CPA Consultation

For a informational meeting online or in person contact Ken

We recommend consultation with your personal and business Tax Advisors.


E-mail: info@1LessTax.com

   www.1LessTax.com  or  www.PayNoTax.info     www.1031FEC.com     www.LegacyChange.com     www.PerpetualLegacyTrust



Ken Wheeler Jr 

FEC Property Manager Representative

Tax Reduction - Legal - Estate - Tax - Exit Strategies & Planning

Financial Exchange Coterie (FEC)

Florida International Trade Center

5206 Station Way    Sarasota, FL 34233

Direct 1 (941) 363-1375    800-333-0801     Fax: 888-898-6009

Licensed Real Estate Broker

Business Entry-Management-Exit Plans - BEME


Certified Probate Real Estate Specialist

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Tax and Legal Advisors always recommended.


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