Tax Efficiency Services

Asset Transfer Advisor

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Financial Exchange Coterie (FEC) Informational Meets Dates-Times

FEC (1LessTax) Informational Meets (I-Meet)  Low or no admittance fees  View future Classes & Webinars

We assist owners & brokers with tax efficiency.

We do not market insurance, annuities or list real estate or businesses. We may, with client request or permission, refer to those who do.


Disclaimer Note: As a principal only, Kenneth Wheeler, Financial Exchange Coterie (FEC) or 1LessTax do not act in the capacity of a listing broker, sales representative, investment adviser, or tax or legal adviser and does not market or recommend securities or insurances. Circumstances may affect tax and legal outcomes. Each transaction is different and unique to each participant. None provide tax, legal or investment advice. Nothing herein is intended to be, or may be taken to be, tax, legal or investment advice. Interested parties should consult their legal, tax and investment advisers before participating in any transaction.

The information provided herein is stated to be truthful and consistent, in that any liability, in terms of inattention or otherwise, by any usage or abuse of any policies, processes, or directions contained within is the solitary and utter responsibility of the recipient reader. Under no circumstances will any legal responsibility or blame be held against the publisher for any reparation, damages, or monetary loss due to the information herein, either directly or indirectly.


1LessTax presentations in person or live webinar for your group can give various length presentation, 30, 40, 60 or 90 minutes plus questions, with concentration for varied meeting, personal and tax goals. CPAs invited. Invite your CPA.

For real estate owners * investors: Tax Reduction to Enhance Real Estate Deals

For business owners * sellers * buyers: Tax Reduction to Enhance Business Entry/Management/Exit (BEME)

For 501c3/philanthropic organizations: Tax Reduction is immediate through unique Legacy Plans with insured guaranteed Income (for special situation owners, senior owners and heirs)

For retirement plans * securities * annuity owners: Convert an annuity, IRA, 401k or retirement plan with immediate tax reduction to a tax deductible advantage with a guaranteed income.

For affluent asset owners with high income who wish to advantage efficient tax methods.

See Disclaimer

View more topics below.

Private Webinar request for you, peers or group by E-mail or REGISTER HERE

Inquiries and questions please E-mail or Phone (515) 238-9266


Current (2021) Schedule 1LessTax Informational Meetings (I-Meet)

Request dates by E-mail to E-Mail or REGISTER HERE

For Property and Asset Owners, Real Estate Investors and Real Estate Salespersons   Introducing    1LessTax Informational Meetings (I-Meet) presents “Tax Efficiency Reduction, Exclusion, Deduction and Deferral  Methods” that include briefly about options as PayNoTax Rehab, 1031 Exchange updates, tax exclusion, deferral, deduction and credit codes and asset protection plus how these alternatives can influence buy-sell decisions for owners plus add more available real estate, assets for real estate investors or salespersons plus all businesses. Go to  Page 3 (to view various methods for Tax Reduction)

Schedule to Sponsor your Webinar and Classes

Time: Varies per Class and Request

Request dates by E-mail to E-Mail or REGISTER HERE

Documents for I-Meets

2020 Tax Brackets (limited)     25 Tax Efficiency Methods     Non-Disclosure Agreement

5 Tax Efficiency Methods          6 Tax Efficiency Methods             Executor Duties

LegacyChange Plan Summary          Stop Your Inheritance From Being Stolen


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Now scheduling presentations for 2021   One may request time allotted plus questions.

Tax Efficiency for the Affluent featuring Tax Reduction & Protection of Real Estate, Securities, Business, IRA Exit & Annuity Gains for the Affluent featuring five methods for tax burden relief- income methods o increase wealth, transfer assets, including real estate, securities& other income for asset tax plans, business exit plans & estate goals.

Tax Efficiency to Enhance Real Estate Deals plus Tax Reduction of Securities, Business, IRA & Annuity Gains encompasses all below.

Tax Efficiency To Enhance Real Estate Deals Save tax and perform real estate purchases, sales and listings when assisting owners to save capital gain and depreciation recapture tax. Tax Alternatives List  Date To be announced

Tax Efficiency To Enhance Stock, Bonds, Notes, Retirement Plans and Ordinary Income Tax Reduction  Learn alternatives to reduce or defer gain and income tax from intangible and tangible asset transfer or sale  Tax Alternatives List  Date To be announced

Tax Efficiency To Enhance Business Deals  Sale, Purchase or Business Ownership Transfer; Does your business meet Qualified Small Business Sale or §1045 business exchange requirements allowing capital gain tax exemption?  Date To be announced

Tax Efficiency and Business Efficiency To Enhance Business Profit  For businesses that wish more efficiency and profit utilizing current operations and human resources. Significantly improve EBITDA (Earning before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization) Performance based with goal to insure profit from action. 30 Minimum employees Date To be announced

Tax Efficiency To Enhance Annuity, IRA and 401k Ownership  For IRA, 401k, annuity and other retirement plan owners. Most plan owners do not realize generally any plan and annuity ownership transfer is subject to the highest Federal and state tax rates.  Learn how to enhance one of most highly taxed and popular supposedly tax deferred and conservative savings products with tax reduction.  Maintain the tax deferral plus add tax deductibility, a LegacyChange plan and other advantages to this conservative savings instrument.  Date To be announced.

We do not sell annuities, insurance products or list real estate or businesses. We assist owners & brokers with tax efficiency.

Tax Efficiency With Guaranteed Income  Most simplified and economical method for asset owners to reduce tax with tax deduction carry forward, avoid probate, avoid family-beneficiary disagreement, poor money skills plus asset owner defer or receive guaranteed income from assets for desired years, plus give to one's favorite charity. A Senior favorite. Date To be announced

LegalShield (Prepaid Legal Services) Procedure  Procedure and methods to best advantage LegalShield benefits for legal protection by a LegalShield 23 year Member. How to best use attorneys and legal information procedure to avoid legal expense and time.  Date To be announced

Favorite Tax Topics & Date To be announced

Go to  Page 3 (to view Tax Alternatives list)

Future I-Meets

I-Meet On Line Date to be Announced, 2021  2 PM - 3:00 PM ET Webinar for Real Estate Investors sponsored by Relax Realty Group at Investor Quarters | 1945 17th St, Sarasota, FL 34234; Topic: Tax Reduction to Enhance Real Estate Deals Featuring Tax Efficiency with Advantaged Alternatives  Tax Burden Relief - Income Alternatives to Increase Wealth, Transfer Assets, Including Real Estate, Securities & Income, for Asset Tax Plans, Exit Plans & Estate Plan Goals.  Ken Wheeler Jr. has over three decades of mergers & acquisitions experience exposing tax code that allows tax reduction and tax elimination enhancing the sale, transfer and purchase of assets as real estate. Learn tax advantages that are not commonly known or practiced by CPAs, attorneys or real estate investors. The 1031 tax deferred code was not advantaged for decades but is common now. Be on the leading edge of similar and even more significant tax advantages that if not known will allow others to not only win the best deals, but allow deals to develop that normally would not occur.

I-Meet On Line Date to be Announced, 2021  10 AM - 10:40 AM ET Webinar for the Affluent sponsored by Financial Exchange Coterie, Sarasota, FL 34233; Topic: Tax Reduction & Protection of Real Estate, Securities, Business, IRA Exit & Annuity Gains for the Affluent featuring five methods for tax burden relief - income methods increase wealth, transfer assets, including real Estate, securities & Income, for asset tax plans, business exit plans & estate plan goals.

Check back for future Webinars & Classes

 1LessTax Informational Meet (I-Meet)  REGISTER HERE to Request to Receive E-mail

Private Webinar request for you, peers or group by E-mail or REGISTER HERE

Invite your CPA and Attorney to View

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PayNoTax with Rehab Informational Meet

Tax Efficiency To Enhance Real Estate Deals

 Request Attend    by E-mail or REGISTER HERE

For Property and Asset Owners, Real Estate Investors and Real Estate Salespersons   Introduction to   PayNoTax with Rehab Informational Meet  How to use FEC PayNoTax information to diversify and protect against the next recession as the 2008 economic disaster, have managed real estate rehab property for significant gain while curing a tax burden.  Plus, for real estate and asset investors, how to have more access to property deals and funds, all with totally managed redevelopment property.

PayNoTax with Rehab” is about using Energy Rehab and other rehab, reworked or redeveloped properties

  1. for shorter term significant timely gain while relieving tax burden
  2. diversification to assist against a financial debacle as 2008
  3. use CPA management for efficiency and tax assistance to other CPAs
  4. be able to roll out of the rehab relinquishing to select 1031 replacement income properties
  5. deduct rehab purchase amount to any tax burden plus has loss carry forward for any future tax
  6. real estate investors and salespersons have more property to purchase or sell
  7. use to assist owners to sell real estate and other assets so can move into our real estate
  8. use for return of quarterly tax estimate paid or prevent necessity of next quarter payment
  9. owner can escape tax, then heirs escape tax with the step up basis not possible with 401K, IRA or annuity

 PayNoTax with Rehab Informational Meet  REGISTER HERE to Request to Receive E-mail

Private Webinar request for you, peers or group by E-mail or REGISTER HERE

Invite your CPA and Attorney to View

Inquiries and questions please E-mail or Phone (515) 238-9266


LegacyChange Plans Informational Meet

Convert real estate, securities, securities proceeds or annuity to a tax deferred or tax-deductible plan.

 For meet detail or request more detail contact us by E-mail or REGISTER HERE

For Property and Asset Owners, Real Estate Investors and Real Estate Salespersons

Tax Reduction for Highly Taxed Non-qualified Retirement Plans (Annuities)

LegacyChange  Leave your Legacy to your Heirs in Financial Benefits with a LegacyChange Plan to guarantee timely income, significant tax protection with charitable conscious

1. assets avoid probate without a will that would otherwise passed through the probate public procedure

2. if have a will or trust avoid transfer complications

3. receive significant tax benefits and tax Reduction

4. avoids an executor to misdirect or mishandle assets

5. avoid family conflicts - simple - clarifies and solves who receives what and when with settling decisions

6. leave a legacy $ amount to a charity or charities of your choice plus have income***Give and Receive

7. third party non-profit charitable entity can manage all - insured

8. you and your heirs receive guaranteed income in the legacy time line you prefer***Leave a Legacy

9.  negates an heir mishandling their own large sum

10. real estate investors and salespersons have property to purchase or sell.   Introduction to LegacyChange Plans Informational Meet   

REGISTER HERE  to Request to Receive E-mail Link

Invite your CPA and Attorney to View

 Private Webinar request for you, peers or group by E-mail or REGISTER HERE

Inquiries and questions please E-mail or Phone (515) 238-9266

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______________________________________________________________________________________________     1LessTax Informational Meet (I-Meet) presents

Tax Efficiency To Enhance Business Sale, Purchase or Acquisition

For Business, Stock, Unit and asset Owners, Investors and Intermediaries

1. Can be used for business or business assets sale

2. Find if qualify to defer or eliminate gain tax (some businesses may qualify to pay no gain tax)

3. Keep or transfer your proceeds as you wish

4. Work with your CPA and/or attorney

REGISTER HERE  to Request to Receive E-mail Link

Invite your CPA and Attorney to View

 Private Webinar request for you, peers or group by E-mail or REGISTER HERE

Inquiries and questions please E-mail or Phone (515) 238-9266

______________________________________________________________________________________________   Basic Internal Revenue Code §121 - §721 - §1031 - §1033 Tax Deferred Exchanges  §721 - §1031 - §1033 Exchange business properties to defer all tax due from proceeds. Mentioned during PayNoTax and 1LessTax webinars

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For Current Informational Meets & Webinars scheduled for the FEC affiliated information sites below - Contact FEC  Perpetual Irrevocable Trusts for the Asset Affluent - Tax, control and legacy advantages

  For wills, trusts and probate updates   Register Here  For the few in probate, trust or note position in need of advanced funds   Contact   Home care for the home dwelling     Contact  Investment and commercial funding      Contact    Mergers & Acquisitions   Contact


Our real estate brokerage is Financial Exchange Coterie (FEC). Coterie is French for “group with similar interests”. FEC has multiple websites to serve asset and property owners to efficient transfer all with less tax for owners and heirs. We do not market annuities, insurance or list real estate or businesses. We may, with client request or permission, refer to those who do.

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Through Affiliate Site

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 Site Contents: 


Page 2  (What We Do- Basic Tax Options) 

Page 3 (Basic Tax Alternatives)  

Page 4 (Sale-Leaseback)

Page 5 (453M-DST)   

Page 6 (Short Sale-Foreclosure Definitions)  

Page 7 (More Tax Reduction Rules)    

Page 8 (Probate-Titling-Land Trust)

Page 9 (New Rules & More)

Business Page:  Business

CPA Page: Tax Credits & 1202

Asset Team: Advisors in One Stop

Sell Annuity: Avoid Massive Tax

Education (by PowerPoint)

I-Meet Schedule (1LessTax Informational Meetings)        

1031FEC Page: (Net Investment Income Tax)

View 1LessTax Reduction Services

To Disclaimer Page

Save Tax Farm/Ranch Sale/Transfer

Past I-Meetings



Certified Probate Real Estate Specialist

Ken Wheeler Jr. Mobile (515) 238-9266

Business Entry-Management-Exit Plans - BEME

Tax Efficiency - Legal - Estate - Tax - Exit Planning

M&A       Property Management Intermediary

Financial Exchange Coterie   

Florida International Trade Center

5206 Station Way    Sarasota, FL 34233

 Voice 800-333-0801 -  Fax 888-898-6009 - Trust Office (941) 363-1375

Licensed Real Estate Broker    Asset Tax Advisor

Contact us for free consultation - E-mail:

For Tax Updates and News on Facebook View  @1LessTax

Tax and Legal Advisors always recommended.

Thank you for visiting!



Financial Exchange Coterie, Kenneth B Wheeler Jr., and their associated websites mentioned on this page do not exist to render, and does not give legal, tax, economic, or investment advice.

The entities disclaim all liability for the actions or inactions taken or not taken as a result of communications from or to its officers, directors, members, employees, and contractors.

Information and news presented at Association meetings, on this website and/or in any publications, is not to be construed as legal advice. Legal advice should be obtained through a qualified real estate attorney.

Each individual should consult his/her own legal counsel, accountant and other advisors as to legal, tax, investment, economic, and other related matters concerning real estate and other investments.

Thank you.

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Copyright © 2018 - 2022  K. B. Wheeler Jr.  All rights reserved.